Green light for night races in Kandy
The Kandy Municipal Council has agreed to hold night races in Kandy streets and Mahanayaka Thero too have not objected holding the races, Kandy Mayor Mahendra Ratwatte said.
Leader of the Opposition Neeranjan Wijeyaratne told the Kandy Mayor Mahaendra Ratwatte that if the Mahanayke's have approved or have not objected for holding the night races in the historic city of Kandy, then a written statement signed by them must be tabled.
He further said the Council should get all the dues and a Memorandum of Undertaking should be embodied in this document.
The Finance Committee has approved the application of the organization that is conducting the night races scheduled for 17th and 18th of Mayor 2013 in Kandy streets. Councillor Vipula Ransasinghe said there must be an Insurance policy for all spectators by the organizers and also that they should pay for the electricity used. (L.B. Seneratne)
Category: Local