
Sri Lanka: first ever 3D edition in Sri Lankan newspaper history

Janith | 7:01 AM | 0 comments

On 19th of March 2013 Ceylon Today, the newspaper which always strives to give you something original, enters the new frontiers of innovation that no Sri Lanka media has dared to go before, with a 3D edition that really adds a new dimension to reading pleasure.

A first in the annals of newspaper history in Sri Lanka, the pictures in the 8-page special edition, printed in glossy paper, are geared to provide you the novel experience, hitherto limited to your TV, computer or cinema screen.  Viewing the pictures, courtesy the special 3D glasses provided with today’s issue of Ceylon Today, can take you where no newspapers have taken you before... to a world, where the newspaper literally comes alive in your hands.

This boldly innovative foray into the 3rd dimension, so to speak, make Ceylon Newspapers, the first publishing house in Sri Lanka to tap into three-dimensional space for the print industry, using the latest technology, enhanced for newspaper publication. 

The process of rendering images in 3D are no doubt a novel and times consuming procedure that not many are familiar with.  But with the right attitude and dedication of the various departments, we have persevered, perfecting the transformation of everyday pictures into three-dimensional wonders.

In these pages, the readers will not only see advertisements coming alive, but the familiar sights taking on new depths and nuances, giving the reader a whole new perception of a picture being worth a 1000 words. The Colombo Museum, which has been in the news recently with the daring midnight robbery, the Gafoor building, slated to be torn down soon and the changing skyline of Colombo are all brought to new life in these pages giving the reader the opportunity to see the past and the present in a new dimension and a new perspective.

Ceylon Newspapers has been constantly looking for ways to improve its two publications – Ceylon Today and Mawbima- and offer the readers something original, along with quality reading matter. The first publishing house to simultaneously launch four papers – Ceylon Today Sunday and Daily, and Mawbima Sunday and Daily –, it also introduced the first Talking Advertisement to the reading public.  More recently, it gave away the ultimate prize in a grand raffle draw – a Micro Panda worth over two million rupees.

On the constant look for innovative ideas, even in headlines and layouts, Ceylon Newspapers have set a new benchmark for thinking out of the box and away from the tried and tested. The 3D edition is the latest innovative offering, but it certainly won’t be the last.

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