
The days income of a beggar arrested is Rs 15000/-

Janith | 3:46 PM | 0 comments

The additional Magistrate of Maligawata Rashantha Godawela had questioned the Borella police personnel who had produced a beggar after arresting and instead of detecting so many criminals who are left Scott free.

The magistrate had questioned the Police for arresting a innocent beggar and producing him to courts and to punish him. The Magistrate had been furious and drawn attention to this case. The suspect is resident of Eldeniya area in Kadawatha had been caught begging under the overhead bridge at Borella.he had confessed that through his profession of begging he earns about Rs 15000/- per month.

The previous day by begging between 9.30 am to 10.30 am he had earned a sum of Rs 2500/-he had shown the money to courts. The Police had suggested to take appropriate action such beggars. The magistrate warned him and had discharged him.

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