
IOC “Euro 3″ petrol racket exposed

Janith | 10:05 AM | 0 comments

IOC “Euro3” petrol racket
A racket in the IOC petrol sheds has been revealed. The trade unions of the petroleum corporation have shown dissent on this matter as the petrol constituents have been placed in an embarrassing situation.

The director of the Ceylon Petroleum corporation and the Chairman of the Independent Sevaka  Sangamaya, Saman Kumara had emphasised that from the day this new petrol was introduced had been a bid concern to him and had objected to it.

He had taken and tested this new petrol from five petrol sheds and they were found to be in the category of normal purified petrol. He added that at the Petroleum Corporation a certain chemical is added to the petrol which makes the petrol is harmful and up to required ISO standards. The chemical that is added has no label as such which is not known to the officials of the Petroleum Corporation.For 33000 litres of petrol to make it Euro 3 they add 600 litres of chemical it had been made known
This he disclosed as misleading the petrol users

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