
Broadband charges: Sri Lanka ranks world’s lowest

Janith | 10:00 AM | 0 comments

Sri Lanka has been ranked No.1 in the world with the lowest entry level fixed broadband charges, according to a report published by the International Telecommunication Union report Measuring the Information Society 2012, the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC) said yesterday (13).

Sri Lanka is also one of the first countries in the world to narrow the gap between the bandwidth offered to subscribers and actual speed delivered.

High speed broadband (HSBB) access services such as ADSL, WiMAX and 4G LTE are three major fixed broadband technologies available in the country. Among them, ADSL has the biggest market share. 4G LTE rollout has now commenced in the country and its availability is still limited to a select number of people in urban areas, the TRC said.

Sri Lanka has achieved this global rating for broadband charges within a short period of time after the TRC took steps to ensure subscribers got value for money and entry prices were affordable to as many people.

"Until recently, 512kbps was the highest speed available for residential fixed broadband users. Apart from low capacity bandwidth of services, users have undergone many difficulties when the internet during busy hours, especially when accessing content hosted from overseas. Speed tests were conducted by the TRC Broadband Monitoring Unit in 2010 and it detected low speeds in the range of 10 percent of total capacity," the TRC said.

"Corrective measures were then taken by the TRC and consequently speed levels have improved up to a level of 80 percent. Services ion the range of 512kbps have become obsolete with speeds now ranging from 4Mbps and 8Mbps, a standard service in residential areas," it said.

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