
Erection of Buddhist structures prohibited in Batticaloa via a court order

Janith | 9:39 AM | 0 comments

A protest has been made by the residents against the erecting of a Buddha structure in Batticaloa. A court restraining order too had been issued in this regard.

The petition has been issued to courts. The verdict issued by the Judge has been delivered ordering not to erect any Buddha statues to the Chief Incumbent of the Batticaloa’s Sri Mangalaramadipathi  Ven .Ampitiye Sumanaratana thera.

This court order was issued in protest to a Buddha room to be constructed near to the Pillayar junction made by the supporters of Tamil National Alliance and other Tamil people. What they say is that this will be the beginning of a step to capture the country

Ven. Ampitiye Sumanaratana thera had been very grieved and hurt over this situation of the court order, had added that the only alternative is to commit suicide by setting himself ablaze or through strangulation

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