
Brazilian prostitutes learn English for 2014 World Cup

Janith | 2:44 PM | 0 comments

BRAZILIAN prostitutes in Belo Horizonte are signing up in droves for free language lessons to prepare for the 2014 World Cup.

The forward-thinking women have predicted a barrage of foreign men so are cannily swotting up on English, Spanish and Italian.
The sex workers will join politicians and construction workers in free lessons as the country prepares 12 host cities in time for summer 2014.
Cida Vieira, president of the Minas Gerais state Association of Prostitutes, said: “This is important for the dignity of the work, the women need to be able to negotiate a fair price and defend themselves."
She added: "It will be important for the girls who will be able to use English to let their clients know what they are charging and learn about what turns them on."
Ms Vieira said demand for the classes could surpass the 300 women who originally expressed interest, with calls coming in from as far away as Sao Paulo - about 316 miles from Belo Horizonte.
She said: “When all this chatter about being ready for the World Cup started last year, we decided the women needed to be prepared for it too.”
Prostitution is legal in Brazil.

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