
21st is a symbol, only a beginning – Lal Kanthe tells President

Janith | 10:20 AM | 0 comments

The declared strike action on the 21st is not the final move but is only a symbol says the President of National Trade Union Center (NTUC) K.D. Lal Kanthe in a letter to the President.
In his letter Mr. Lal Kanthe states the government that has got scared of the strike action declared by the Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Alliance has already started responding to this fear. Among the fabrications the government attempts to spread due to its fear of the action on the 21st are that the trade union action is a ‘conspiracy to topple the government, a conspiracy to deny the freedom that has been won, a combined conspiracy of the JVP,TNA & UNP and a united conspiracy of western powers, NGOs and separatist forces.
Mr. Lal Kanthe, in his letter states, certain ministers, those who pretends to be trade union leaders and journalists who write or talk any falsehood for their livelihoods are carrying out a mudslinging exercise.
He states forcing state employees, youths brought with promises of jobs in Korea, those in the lumpen class that sell their souls for a loaf of bread, a packet of milk or packet of rice to unsuccessfully sabotage the agitations is not the conduct of a responsible government.
In his letter Mr. Lal Kanthe asks the President to implement the following proposals:
1. Withdraw increased electricity tariffs
2. Issue a circular to stop paying electricity bills of ministers with public money and publish it
3. As having needless carnivals use up a lot of electricity, a promise must be made to the masses that such carnivals will not be held hereafter.
4. Abolish all corrupt agreements with private thermal power companies and enter into new agreements that would be beneficial to the CEB, private investors as well as the consumers.
5. Cast away plans to privatize generation, transmitting and distribution of electricity
6. Take measures to put up coal power stations (not outdated ones) that would be advantageous for people
7. Import and stock crude oil necessary for the refinery at Sapugaskanda so that there wouldn’t be any shortage
8. Only 30% to 40% of fuel needed for the country could be refined at Sapugaskanda. Take measures to modernize the refinery to increase its production
9. Take steps to establish a new refinery
10.  Produce fertilizer and agrochemicals necessary for the agriculture and make them easily available for farmers.

The President of NTUC asks the President to implement the proposals treating them as urgent and necessary moves. He states the strike on the 21st is only a symbol and should be considered only as a beginning.

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