
Halal certificate and procedure completely stopped from 31st March.

Janith | 7:14 AM | 0 comments

Halal certificate and the entire Halal procedure is definitely a conspiracy and it has to be completely abolished from the 31st March This coming  New Year should be  celebrated as  a Halal free New Year This was stated by the Chief Secretary  of the Bodu Bala Sena organisation  the Ven. Galabodaeththe Gnanissara thera

We saw the Ulama Organisation’s latest acting episode. The country’s best Tele drama episode of this year was this Tele drama. With the intervention of the the Bodu Bala Sena organisation, the intellectuals too had understood the gravity of the episode they were trying to act in.

We do not want Halal even free. We do not want Halal procedure. There was a time we eat without Halal. Eat like the way we eat earlier. The Halal certificate was offered even free. That means they had sold the Halal certificates which had no value by cheating.


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