
To catch the soldiers was said by Shavendra Silva

Janith | 7:22 AM | 0 comments

The former Controller of discipline in the army said in the court for the case against the former army commander Sarath Fonseka and his private secretary, by answering the questions of oppositions that he doesn’t know about the steps taken to dismiss the soldiers who were taken for personal duties by Sarath Fonseka and whether they still in the army or not..

Brigadier Ashok Weerasinghe, the former controller of discipline said that said that although he worked as the controller of discipline he couldn’t remember to catch 10 soldiers with motor cycles who were assigned to Sarath Fonseka and not reported to work and had not informed.

The Chief Justice has been filled a case against Sarath Fonseka and his personal secretary that they tried to get their personal things done by 10 soldiers after retiring from 15/09/2009 to 01/01/2010.

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