
SL to introduce new laws on Paracetamol

Janith | 4:07 PM | 0 comments

Sri Lankan Health officials are taking steps to introduce new laws on the usage of Paracetamol, a media report said.
According to the Government Information Department, it has been found that certain doctors prescribe several doses of Paracetamol to patients, which could lead into serious health conditions.
Dr. Hemantha Benaragama, the Director of the Cosmetics Devices and Drugs Authority has said that new laws on the usage of Paracetamol tablets and liquid will be issued within a two week period.
According to him, high doses of Paracetamol can cause infant deaths.
Under the new law, the public will only be allowed to use Paracetamol which are in round shape and white, while other colors and shapes will be banned.

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