
Siri Kotha has fallen-No money to pay salaries of employees

Janith | 9:34 PM | 0 comments

The Siri kotha has fallen – the employees have not been paid

The United National party has fallen to such levels that they have no funds to pay the salaries of their employees had been stressed by the ‘Jathika Pawra’co organiser Member of Southern provincial council Maithree Gunaratna

“he added that the party has fallen as young party supporters are not given their due places. By burying stalwarts like Dayasiri,Sajith and Karu Jayasuriya the party finds it difficult to stride forwards, towards victory. Until they are given due places the party will never emerge victorious.

We are saying this as we love the party. What we need is not a losing UNP but a winning UNP. We do not like to be a member of a losing party but that of a victorious party,

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