Chandrika and Shirani to form a new political party-Vimukthi will be National Organiser
Chandrika and Shirani to form a new political party- National Organiser-will be Vimukthi Kumaratunga
It is reliably learnt that arrangements have already been made by former President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ex Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake to form a new political party.
It is also learnt that a backing of an Embassy of a strong western country has give financial help to establish the new political party. A number of former SLFP stalwarts and some of those with the government have already consented to join the new party. The ex Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake would take an active participation once are legal matters are resolved.
Further information reveals that the son of the Ex president Chandrika Kumaratunga’s son Vimukthi Kumaratunga is to be named as the National Organiser of the proposed new party.
Category: Hot news, Local, News colombo, Sri lanka news