
Muslims protest against Sri Lanka in UK

Admin 2 | 1:27 PM | 0 comments

Muslims protest against Sri Lanka in UK opposite the Sri Lanka HC office

The protest against Sri Lanka was staged by Muslim people living in UK opposite the Sri Lanka High Commissioner’s office on the 5th instant. The protest was made by a huge contingent of Muslim people.

The special thing is that not a single Sri Lanka Muslim living in UK had participated in this protest In the protest they disclosed that the Buddhist community has harassed the Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

They have made a plea to stop this harassment if not they will have to take action Sri Lanka via the ‘Jehad ‘organisation.

Abu Yusuf who participated in the protest had disclosed that Buddhist people are considered to be very kind and innocent. But they are harassing the Muslim people in Sri Lanka.

Another protestor Abu Talha had added that they will not wait for UNHRC to take action. Instead they will come armed to attack the Buddhists. He also stressed that several countries who are against the Muslims. They will take steps to have the Leaders displaced from those countries.


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