
Colombo on red alert

Janith | 8:54 AM | 0 comments

The Department of Quarantine is on red alert following the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus, a disease similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), in the Middle Eastern region.

The disease prevalent in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait is expected to spread to other countries.
It is reported that eight people have died and seven others have contracted the diseases in those countries.

Director of the Department of Quarantine, Dr. L.P.H. Benewara told Ceylon Today Sri Lanka has been put on alert and the situation is closely monitored. However, he said the World Health Organization (WHO) has directed there should be no restrictions on entry points, both at the airport and the sea port. "There
won't be any bar at the airport for passengers coming from the Middle East," he said.

 It is learnt the WHO is monitoring the situation. Benewara said Sri Lanka, along with other countries in the region, is awaiting the signal from the WHO to send out alerts to the relevant government institutions. "We are monitoring the WHO website and will take the necessary precautions when necessary," he said.

Dr. Benewara said as soon as the warning signals come from the WHO, the Department of Quarantine, in keeping with the rules and regulations, will be informing the line ministry, the epidemiology unit, the Medical Research institute and other relevant institutions," he explained.

However, it is believed the scientists have limited information on the transmission, severity and clinical impact of the disease. It is learnt the virus can also attack animals triggering a number of diseases in them.


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