Chris Brown Returns to Twitter, Posts HOT Rihanna Photo!
And he's baaaack! Chris Brown returned to Twitter Sunday after a week-long absence, and marked his social media comeback with a photo of a scantily-clad Rihanna:
Brown peaced out of Twitter following his vulgar online spat with comedian Jenny Johnson a week ago, but remained active on photo sharing site Instagram.
His Twitter page is back up and running, but all of his previous Tweets have been deleted. Instagram is where to find him (and hot Rihanna pics) for now.
Rihanna has also been posting photos of Brown on Instagram page, including a shot of him lying shirtless on a bed and a shot of her giving him a big hug.
Despite the Chris Brown feud, which erupted after Johnson bashed Brown and he replied by threatening to defecate on her, he and Rih seem happier than ever.
Brown kept a low profile for the past week before returning with the above pic and the caption, "What would music today sound like if these kids didn't exist?"
Deep thoughts from Chris Brown right there. At least they aren't profane or about excretory acts.
A similar question: What would the celebrity gossip world talk about if Chris Brown and Rihanna didn't exist? Love 'em or hate 'em, they're always courting controversy.
Probably just how they like it. What you think about them is, to quote their latest collab, "Nobody's Business," yet they certainly seem to invite opinions and comments, no?
Here's a sampling of their recent Instagram pics (with one classic parody):
Category: Hollywood gossip