
6 Ways to increase family fun

Janith | 11:23 AM | 0 comments

You love your family, but sometimes everyday business can drain the fun out of being together. Here are six easy ways to put the fun back in your family.

How to put the fun back in your family!

Take turns

One simple way to increase your family fun is to make sure each member of the family contributes equally. Why not give each person (little ones included) the chance to decide on the family fun activity? You may be surprised at the simple things your kids propose. Make sure you agree to participate fully! That means Dad may be leading a dance party or Mom might take first in the video game tournament — whatever it may be, respect each person's interest and definition of family fun.

Be present

Too often, we miss out on the fun of simply being together because of those less important (but nagging) distractions. Dirty dishes, emails from work and mentally planning the next activity in the day are things that prevent us from enjoying the here-and-now. Make an effort to 'turn off' and focus on the people around you. Try to focus on the moment at hand — you will realize how much fun simply being together can be!

Celebrate the small things

Everyone loves a party. Why not take the time to celebrate simple milestones with each other? A good grade on a spelling test, a pet’s birthday, the first day of fall — it doesn't have to be an official holiday to get out the balloons! Simply create a holiday for something that is important to your family — perhaps it is as simple as “family fun night.”


Do not underestimate the power of laughter! To increase the fun in your family, make sure you are laughing together. Author Liz Curtis Higgs says, “Laughing together heartily at the same thing forms an instant bond.” Be silly, watch a funny movie or chase your little ones around the house. Laughter lifts the spirits and is a guaranteed source and sign of fun!

Do something good together

Doing good is a guaranteed way to increase positive feelings. Find something your family believes in and take action! Perhaps it's volunteering at the animal shelter or taking in a foster child — whatever your family values, put it to action. You will have fun as a family by making a positive contribution.

Make the fun times last

Extend the fun by creatively documenting your family fun events. Use video, photographs or simply save souvenirs from your family events and activities. Mementos keep memories vivid, and making time to remember happy experiences together can even be a source of family fun.

- Laura -

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