How sex is related to good health
Sex is more than just pleasure and procreation, there are several other reasons why sex is important.
Sex actually enhances the overall health of the body from fitness to proper functioning of the organs. Sex and good health go together even though Indian society portrays sex negatively. These are some of the facts on how sex is related to good health.
Benefits of sex
Exercises: Sex involves different positions, as you may know; they exercise different muscle groups - from legs, thighs, arms, hips and the core. Sex makes you sweat, literally- sex is a cardio workout in itself.
Weight loss: This brings us to our next point, since sex or the sexual act makes you sweat, you are burning calories. Hence sex can make you lose weight; sex also crushes your appetite due to the chemical composition.
Builds immunity: Sex increase the output of immunoglobulin which makes you immune to flu. It also increases bone density and repairs tissue.
Fights stress: Oxytocin is released just before orgasm which aids in the release of endorphins. These are happy hormones which suppress anxieties, stress and can fight insomnia. It also helps you digest where the nutrients are absorbed properly.
Improve tolerance to pain: Sex increases your tolerance to pain - this is especially helpful for women during menstruation and headaches. This reduces the dependence on painkillers.
Healthy skin: Sex produces collagen that can make your skin firm, soft and gives it that glow. You may have read on your cosmetic products that collagen is one of the ingredients for healthy skin.
Sex increase life expectancy: Club all these sex benefits and you can improve life expectancy.
Science is still researching on sex and its benefits; we will have more benefits of sex. Stay tuned!
Category: Health, Health and Fitness, Leisure, Love and Sex