
CCD releases sketch of suspected assailant

Janith | 5:20 PM | 0 comments

The Colombo Crimes Division investigating the assault of JSC secretary Manjula Thilakarathne released a sketch of the suspected assailant to the media in order to apprehend the culprit.

The Police urged the public to provide any information regarding the suspect to the nearest Police station or to any of the following numbers.

Senior DIG, Western Province                                                   - 0777 755 950
Director, Colombo Crimes Division                                         - 0717 774 400
                                                                            Office                  - 0112 662 323
Superintend at of Police Colombo Crimes Division             - 0777 661 137
                                                                           Office                   - 0112 662 322
Officer In Charge- Colombo Crimes Division                        - 0714  060 906
                                                                            Office                  - 0112 662 311


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