
A dragon in Dehiwala

Janith | 2:16 PM | 0 comments

A group of new animals arrived at the National Zoological Gardens in Dehiwela yesterday.

The new arrivals were brought down to Sri Lanka from the Prague zoo in the Czech republic.
The first Komodo Dragon set foot in Sri Lanka yesterday. 

The Komodo Dragon which is the largest in the Varanus Genus, are endemic to Indonesia and a carnivore animal with a lifespan of fifty years. 

Their usual habitat is open grasslands and tropical forests.

Although much larger in size,the Komodo Dragon is very similar in appearance to the common Iguana found in Sri Lanka.

The reptiles were brought to the Dehiwela Zoo on Thursday under an animal exchange programme.

A Przewalski‘s horse also known as Takhi set foot to Sri Lanka. These steeds are usually found in China and Western Mongolia.

The other new arrivals at the zoo were a couple of Hippopotamuses.

The Hippopotamus which hails from Africa and spends more than half its lifetime in water, is surprisingly lacking in the swimming department.


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