
Over 1,200 vacancies in universities for foreigners -SB

Admin 2 | 10:23 PM | 0 comments

There were 1,292 vacancies existing for the foreign applicants to follow courses in the local universities, a document tabled in Parliament yesterday, by the Minister of Higher Education S. B. Dissanayake said.

The document says that there is a 0.5 allocation for the foreign undergraduates in the local universities. As no foreign students or the children of Lankans living abroad have applied for any other course of study, except for medical degrees, there are 1,292 vacancies.

There are 41 vacancies for the medical sciences, three vacancies for the dental surgical sciences, 62 vacancies for engineering sciences, 57 vacancies for bio sciences and 11 vacancies for computer sciences, the document says. (

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