ODEL magazine launches app for smart phones
ODEL’s popular in-store magazine, which bears the same name, is now in ‘smart phone space’ following the launch of a free app for iPhone and Android-powered mobile phones.
The magazine’s second issue for 2013 came out in print for the April shopping season featuring the latest products available at ODEL, and can now be downloaded from iTunes or the Google apps store. The on-line version of the magazine is also available on www.odel.lk
A particularly exciting aspect of the app is its interactive feature which makes it extremely convenient to purchase products directly off the magazine: users have the option of clicking on certain products in the magazine and linking with product at the ODEL online store at www.odel.lk to make their purchases. Advertisers in the magazine also benefit as the app offers a link to their own websites from their advertisements.
ODEL’s ‘Monochrome’ theme for Spring is featured prominently in this issue, along with ‘Lust Have’ accessories for ladies, mouth-watering macaroons at the ‘Delight’ department, Menswear offerings in Black and White, digital prints for trendy young lasses and the latest products from ‘Backstage,’ ‘Embark,’ ‘ODEL Home’ and ‘Luv SL.’
The glossy print version of the ODEL magazine is free to pick up at ODEL stores, and the app for smart phones will make its contents available to a larger segment of consumers that increasingly uses hand-held devices to access information, a spokesman for ODEL said.
The app may be downloaded via at https://itunes.apple.com/lk/app/odel-magazine/id621340239?mt=8 for iPhones and at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shiftlk.odel.magazine&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zaGlmdGxrLm9kZWwubWFnYXppbmUiXQ for Android powered smart phones.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shiftlk.odel.magazine&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zaGlmdGxrLm9kZWwubWFnYXppbmUiXQ for Android powered smart phones.