
New electricity bills from May 20

Janith | 10:35 PM | 0 comments

While assuring that strict measures have been taken to prevent any erroneous calculation of the monthly electricity bill from today, CEB Chairman W.B. Ganegala said the monthly bill based on the new rates would be issued only after May 20.

He said electricity users could complain to the area engineer or the revenue accountant of the respective provinces in case of any doubt about the monthly bill.
Mr. Ganegala said CEB had given time until May 20 because meter readers need to acclimatize themselves with the new method of calculation.

“We calculate the monthly electricity bill of a user daily and the bill is computed on a monthly basis varying from 29 days to 31 days as the case may be. Therefore, the accounting will be done under the old rate until April 19 and under the new rates from the April 20 onwards,” he said.

He said consumers need not worry about the calculation by the meter reader because the monthly bill is computed and issued by the CEB area office. Meter readers have been entrusted to visit about four blocs a month and issue the bills to users.

Mr. Ganegala said the all CEB power plants including the Lakvijaya Coal Power Plant in Puttalam, the Kerawalapitiya Combined Cycle Power Plant and the Upper Kotmale hydro power plants are running at full capacity.

The CEB emptied the Upper Kotmale reservoir and the tunnel that transport the water to the power plant a few weeks ago for desilting. (SAJ)


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