Govt. should not take on halal certification – BBS
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) yesterday strongly recommended that the government desists from accepting responsibility to certify products as halal, as was suggested by the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU).
Addressing the media in Colombo, BBS General Secretary Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero said, "The ACJU has very cunningly tried to pass the halal certification off on the government. They mustn't accept this suggestion. The ACJU must step back, not just a few feet but several kilometres."
He said Sri Lanka has no need for halal, and added: "There is absolutely no need for halal products in the country. Even in completely Muslim populated countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the halal standard is only required for meat products. So, what is the need for it in this country, which only has a minority Muslim population?"
He said that the concept of an organization existing for the provision of a halal certificate is laughable, pointing out that the ACJU is the only such organization in the world.
"This is a laughable matter. In a Sinhalese-Buddhist country like Sri Lanka, there is no need for any other laws to be brought in. The rights of 90% of Sri Lankans have been violated by the ACJU, and with the way they have been harming Buddhism and the culture of the country, they have no right to approach us for a debate on the subject," he said, confirming that the BBS would not be holding any talks in the future with the ACJU.
The BBS General Secretary further said that ministers had been tricked by the ACJU. "This is clearly an extremist attempt, which has even managed to fool Sinhalese businessmen."
Opposing the claim made by the ACJU that only one business organization in Sri Lanka had removed themselves from being 'halal certified,' he said, "I can say with conviction that a number of businesses have removed themselves from halal certification, not just one as the ACJU claims. They are lying before God and the media by making such false claims."
On the attack on Eastern Provincial Council member Priyantha Pathirana, he said, "We strongly condemn this attack on Pathirana, who was speaking out against the Muslim extremists of the East on behalf of the BBS, and we wish him a speedy recovery."
By Rashini Mendis
Category: Local