
Ministry, Google Institute join hands: New website launched to educate children

Janith | 8:47 AM | 0 comments

The Child Development and Women's Affairs Ministry and Google Institute have jointly launched a new website to educate children to use internet recently.

The website, launched under the theme 'Good to Know' will caution children not to fall prey to web based traps when browsing the internet. The website will teach children to gather knowledge from the internet while safeguarding themselves.

The children will be guided on how to share knowledge using the internet.

"The website will be a students' guide. It has been observed that a significant number of youngsters and teenagers become victims of internet related frauds. Of them certain children have been abused while a few tried to commit suicide due to mental frustrations caused by the internet. Hence, everyone is duty-bound to protect children from being victimised by the internet," Child Development and Women's Affairs Minister Tissa Karaliyadda said.

Google Institute's South Asian Chief Mike Orgill, an official of ICTA Wasantha Deshapriya, educationalists and teachers participated in the website launch.

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