Man Has Wife’s Lady Bits Engraved on Her Tombstone [PHOTO]
A 75 year old Serbian widower paid a stonemason to carve an “exact replica” of his wife’s vadge on her tombstone. Milan Marinkovic said his wife left graphic photos with instructions for her hoohah to be carved on her grave.
In a letter she wrote her husband, Melina Marinkovic explained that she wanted the etching because “I don’t want you chasing other women.”
Marinkovic called the tribute: “A really good likeness,” and commented, “Now a part of her will always be with me.”
Marinkovic boasts, ”People from funerals and anniversaries of deaths come to see the headstone with my wife’s vagina.”
Not everyone realizes what the carving is. Marinkovic recalls his brother-in-law asking why the “bird on Milena’s grave had such a large beak,” and Marinkovic admitted he “couldn’t help but laugh.”
Here is the carving of her vadge, discretely located on the back of the tomb because you wouldn’t want to expose your wife’s vagina so flagrantly by putting it on the front of her grave. No, that would be in really bad taste.
This is an exact replica? Why does her vadge look like a 190 year old fossil from the Jurassic Period?
In an unrelated story, visitors to the Belgrade cemetery report sometimes finding a strange white gooey substance splattered all over their dead loved one’s headstones.
Category: Gossip news