Danielle de Niese to perform tonight
The Times, UK said "there’s no denying that de Niese is a star" while Opera News waxed eloquent- ‘Not just a superb performer but a phenomenal one’. ‘Opera’s coolest soprano’, said the New York Times Magazine while the NYT hailed her, ‘A voice seductive enough to woo the Gods as well as mortals’.
Today , opera fans will be in for a special evening, as Danielle de Niese will perform at
at the Grand Ballroom of the Cinnamon Grand. De Niese whose parents are Sri Lankan migrated to Australia early in life and the stunning singer has never been to the island, growing up in Melbourne and then moving to the US. She fwill follow up with a second, more intimate concert at the Jetwing Light House Hotel in Galle on November 21.
at the Grand Ballroom of the Cinnamon Grand. De Niese whose parents are Sri Lankan migrated to Australia early in life and the stunning singer has never been to the island, growing up in Melbourne and then moving to the US. She fwill follow up with a second, more intimate concert at the Jetwing Light House Hotel in Galle on November 21.
An operatic soprano of international repute, Danielle regularly graces many of the world’s most prestigious opera and concert stages and has enjoyed operatic successes at the New York Metropolitan Opera, Paris Opera, Zurich Opera, Netherlands Opera, San Francisco Opera among others. Her orchestral engagements include appearances with The New York Philharmonic, The Cleveland Orchestra, and The National Symphony Orchestra.
She began 2012 on an amazing high, sharing the stage of New York’s Grand Metropolitan Opera House with Placido Domingo in the lead soprano role of ‘Ariel’, in “The Enchanted Island” a world premiere on New Year’s Eve. Music lovers in Sri Lanka can but await her performances here with great expectations.
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