FOOTNOTES in November
The point is, who are you? Not why or how, not even what… You are the sum of so many reflections. How many reflections? Whose reflections? Is that what you consist of? What scum does the tide leave? What happens to the scum? When does it happen? I’ve seen what happens… The scum is broken and sucked back. I don’t see where it goes, I don’t see when, what do I see, what have I seen? What have I seen the sum or the essence?
- Len in The Dwarfs, Pinter
Footnotes this November, presented by Floating Space, features two playwrights in focus. The first half of the evening is titled Harold Pinter: Certainties and Uncertainties, with a reading of excerpts from his first one-act play The Room read in conversation with perspectives from The Theatre of the Absurd.
The second half of the evening brings into focus The Theatre of Sarah Kane, which will focus on excerpts from the work of Sarah Kane, and continues Floating Space’s experiment with movement as an extension of interpreting text.
The readings will be by Jake Oorloff, Ruhanie Perera and Sulakshani Perera with friend of Floating Space, Sally Dean. Sally E. Dean will be in Colombo during the month of November for the collaborative arts project Unearthed between her company Sally E. Dean Performing Arts Inc. and Floating Space Theatre Company. The project is facilitated by the Arts Council England and the British Council London.
Make a date with Floating Space for Footnotes on November 1, 2012 at 7.00pm at the auditorium of the Fulbright Commission, No. 55 Abdul Caffoor Mawatha, Colombo 3.
Floating Space Theatre Company launched its reading project Footnotes in July 2012. The project falls directly under the company’s drama education initiatives. It aims to create alternative drama education contexts, explore theatre through a focus on script, playwright and aesthetic, and approach work written for the theatre in the style of a living library. It’s also an effort to engage in regular theatre-related activity that’s not always production-focused. The event takes place every first Thursday of the month.
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