iPhone 5 Compared With Competitors [CHART]
The iPhone 5 launches into a more challenging field of competitors than ever, and to give you some context about the iPhone 5 specifications compared with those of its chief competitors, we put the most important characteristics of each into this handy table.
As we look at specs of the iPhone 5 compared with the Samsung Galaxy S III, Nokia Lumia 920 and Motorola Droid RAZR HD, we can see patterns emerging, such as all the iPhone 5′s competitors have a screen that’s at least 720p (1,280×720 pixels), dual-core 1.5GHz processors, an updated operating system (although that’s debatable in the case of Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich), an 8-megapixel camera and 4G LTE — all functioning as de facto standards in this highest echelon of smartphone goodness.
iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S III vs. Droid RAZR HD vs. Nokia Lumia 920
Source ( mashable )