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� Top 5 reasons to get pet fish
Janith |
9:13 PM |
Fish don't get a lot of love when it comes to listing animals that make best pets, but they should. Why? Fish are small little creatures that pack in a ton of benefits as pets.
We know you absolutely adore your cats, dogs and birds, but they all have vocal cords and make noises at the most inopportune times, like when you're trying to sleep. Not fish -- they don't make a peep, ever.
They don't take up much space
Dogs and cats -- even tiny ones -- can make even a large apartment seem tiny, thanks to all the food, toys and beds we buy to keep them happy. Even birds and rabbits take up some space, thanks to their cages. Not fish, though -- all you need to keep a fish happy is a bowl or tank, some food and ample amounts of water. Also, you don't have to worry that your fish is going to go piddle in the corner when you're away from home for a few hours.
Our four-legged friends require certain types of food and grooming supplies to keep their bodies and fur healthy. This doesn't cost as much per month as human food and supplies, but it can take quite the bite out of your wallet. Fish don't require all of that -- just pick up a jar of special fishy flakes from the pet store and you're good to go for several months. The cost? Usually less than $10. Fish also don't require visits to the vet. Cats and dogs can accumulate hundreds, if not thousands, of vet bills over time.
They don't need you to entertain them
Let's be honest for a second: Fish don't care if you're there or not. They spend their days sleeping, eating and swimming without a second thought about who is on the other side of the glass. If this bothers you, then it's probably better to get a cat or a dog. But if you want a super low-maintenance pet that's beautiful and fascinating to watch -- and one you can leave for hours on end -- then a fish is for you.
Fish can actually make you feel better, even if you don't interact with them. The motion of swimming fish has been proven to put owners into a relaxed state. Over time, this soothing view can help lower your stress and give you something else to focus on besides that overdue credit card bill sitting on your desk.
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